Thursday, March 15, 2007

Free Idea

It’s an early morning wake-up once again and I see that Microsoft has been busy while we were sleeping, updating our computers even earlier this morning. When I walked into the study, both computers had recently been rebooted, the monitors glowing quite bright at a time when they should have been dark and the processors sleeping. Well, I hope it was Microsoft…they are the usual suspect in cases like this. I just wish they would leave a note, like…”Sorry we missed you. But, while you were asleep we fixed the following items…etc, etc.”

And while I’m thinking of it, I have a great software idea to give away. Ever since the dawning of the bush administration (an oxymoron), we have grown used to the word, “redacted”. Well, how about a Word add-on that would allow you to redact words in a Doc file? You would use it just like the highlighter tool that comes with Word, except it would blackout the words completely. And you would have to use a password to apply or to erase the blackout. No more messy Sharpies to deal with; with the danger of getting that indelible ink on something valuable. Governments could teach their clerks to redact on the fly; creating “secret” documents almost immediately! And government types would love the neat, crisp look of the printed documents; the redacting perfectly aligned and uniformly black. (Just send me 10% of the profits from this idea)

Normally, by this time I would have read the headlines and my mind would be fully engaged. The early AM Microsoft reboot means that I have to log in once again and then try to catch up on what’s new.

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