Tuesday, March 27, 2007

What's Real...What's Not

Chilly! The thermometer tells me that it is 38° outside, a number we haven’t seen for quite awhile. In a normal year, we would be seeing those kinds of temperatures for another month or so. That would be…normal. And there’s still a chance of rain for today. Good.

I see from the news that another prisoner from Guantánamo has pled guilty. Or so we’re told. Why wouldn’t I believe it? Is it because no one is allowed to see or hear the proceedings and we’re only told what someone decided that we can hear? Is it the fact that this president is afraid of holding a real trial on American soil? Mr. Hicks may truly be guilty of something, but without a fair trial, an open trial…who knows? Anyone? I will take a cue from Thomas Jefferson on this one… “The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it always to be kept alive.” - Thomas Jefferson

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