Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Aches and pains. What did I do yesterday to bring these on? Nothing major; just the usual busy-ness of my day, yet I shuffle down the hall for the first dozen steps of the morning, stretching mightily to ease the sore muscles. Then I’m back, moving normally once again. I know it’s just old age, nothing more than that.

And then I read this story from the Elderblogger site. Well written. OK, I guess we’re not alone in this.

Outside, I look into the dark sky, hoping to see a remnant or two of the recent meteor showers. No such luck. But it is still a thrill to look into the enormity of the sky and see a ginormous amount of stars.

Life…and time goes on. Coffee in hand, I am looking for something interesting in the news. OK, it’s all interesting; what is fascinating? That’s what I’m looking for.

Bush’s Brain has left the building. Nope, that's not fascinating. Rats and sinking ships come to mind.

How about this; World's Oldest Person Dies at Age 114. The impossible headline once again. It’s always wrong! The world’s oldest person is alive and well, living in Shelbyville, Indiana. (I’ve been there)

Now that has me thinking. Would I want to live that long? Statistically; I have about 14 years left till I reach the ‘around 80’ mark. But I’m hoping that genetics will give me a few more years than that. Mom was 87 and Grandma Dot was 93? Stop! Whoa! This is a heavy subject and not all that fascinating. I must move on.

How about some art? That’s usually fascinating and I did find this work by Hopper that I didn’t know existed.

OK, this is fascinating. Neatorama. At least half a dozen fascinating stories. I didn’t say they were valuable or even newsworthy; just fascinating.

1 comment:

  1. And I just read this article before work today. http://www.azcentral.com/arizonarepublic/arizonaliving/articles/0814granny0814.html
