Monday, September 24, 2007

And it means?

Perspective. I was having one of those ‘What’s the real meaning of life?’ moments yesterday as I was driving down from Susanville. I had just read the latest Wired magazine and they had an illustration of how important some blogs were and had demonstrated their findings by picturing them as ‘planets’ in a galaxy. If I remember correctly, BoingBoing was the largest planet. Oh well. Anyway, I put that thought together with how we (humans) relate to each other. Don’t we create galaxies of our own, with ourselves at the center? And then we revolve around another, larger object. This, in turn, is influenced by a much larger ‘planet’. Yet, we don’t spend a lot of time thinking consciously of these other relationships, we spend most of our lives concentrating on the ‘planets’ that revolve around us. From our perspective, those are the only things worth noting.

But, to make sense of it, we need to put on our astronomers hat and look outward to see the whole universe and how we are all connected.

I still don’t know the meaning of life, but I have a clearer image of the universe.

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