Sunday, September 30, 2007

Coffin Nails

Warning. Reading about disgusting smoking facts and figures can be irritating… to a smoker.

From the Economist. “Around 700m Asians, mostly men, cannot get through the day without puffing on a cigarette.” That’s more men than there are men, women and children in the US of A. And approximately 2.3 million of those men will die of smoking related causes this year. I wonder what the death rate is from the use of other drugs?

Oddly enough, most Asian countries act almost the same as the US of A in regards to smoking. Officially condemning it but propping up the industry with subsidies. The one thing that the Asian countries haven’t done is to increase the taxes on cigarettes. (I can hear the Republicans applauding! China good, no taxes. Sweden bad. Taxes.)

Looking at the chart, you can see that women in China have a long way to go become equal to men, i.e.; dead.

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