Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Whole Cloth

Liberal versus conservative. The conservative sees history as a model and the liberal sees it as a warning. The moderate sees it as educational. Yesterday, granddaughter Shannon made the comment that the New York Times was a ‘liberal’ paper and I thought not. They really don’t have the moral courage to be liberal. And of course that got me into thinking about the whole labeling business that we seem to love. Everyone and everything must be labeled. Accurately! And that’s exactly why I left political parties behind; where they belong. We will have evolved if we can ever form a society that doesn’t need labels.

That thought caused me to shift gears slightly and think about flags and flag waving. The flag; now there’s a relic from the Middle Ages. From the days of kings and castles. The flag was the only way to tell which army was which and whose castle was whose. (sp?) It was a label. And do you know why they make flags from cloth? To make it more comfortable for the politicians when they wrap themselves in it.

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