Friday, October 19, 2007

Hang up and drive!

We’re back. Safe at last. These two Introverts have spent 2.5 days in the company of hundreds of thousands of people and are we ever tired! Extroverting (for us) is hard work… and the noise! Are Extroverts ever silent for more than a minute? Apparently not; cell phones and Bluetooth enabled headsets were present every place you looked. Alicia took a picture of the bumper cars in the Bug’s Life section of the park and in the photo you can see a man in one of the cars, cell phone pressed to his ear. Yes, he is going the wrong way and he’s surrounded by children who know which way to drive; including grandson Kyle.

And talk about driving… every one of the adults in our party reported a hit and run incident with a ‘stroller’. Strollers the size of SUV’s. I was sitting on a bench when one of these large strollers ran up over my right foot. “Oops! Sorry!” I don’t remember ever seeing so many strollers in the park before. In fact, they have signs posted in some areas that regulate stroller parking.

And of course the large number of strollers indicates that the park was filled with pre-school children. Toddlers. And although most rides were off-limits to them, they were having a blast! Their parents didn’t smile a lot, but the kids did.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Hey, I see that same guy in front of me on the freeway all the time! He is wreaking havoc where ever he goes!
    (the guy with the baseball cap, not Kyle)
