Monday, November 26, 2007

Five Questions

for Mark Schapiro

A good article but it could lead you to believe that 'phthalates', the chemical in question, is only found in cosmetics... but, in Mr. Shapiro's interview on Fresh Air, he points out that this chemical is found in almost every plastic made in this country. Any plastic or vinyl that needs to be soft, contains phthalates. Your childrens' toys, the dash on your car and even the plastic tubing for IV meds.

Don't worry about the lead in the paint, you have to deliberately ingest that to suffer any harm. But this is something you need to worry about, it's all around you and it's in the air as well.

The people involved in making the chemical deny that there is any safety hazard. As expected.

And then there is this news from Arnie...

(Yes, Shannon...this is the stuff we were talking about that gets all over the inside of your windshield. And once it's all gone...poof! into the air you're breathing, your dash becomes brittle and breaks.)

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