Sunday, December 2, 2007

Art First

I’m a little bit sore and stiff this morning. The longer walk (6.3 miles) in the park yesterday has revealed my true physical condition. Sad. But, I still have time to get ready for the Portland Marathon next fall. That’s about 10 months away; plenty of time to regain my race walking skills. And lose some weight. Also, I’m still looking for some brave soul that might want to try a marathon and walk with me. I can guarantee a good time in Portland.

I always enjoy reading the Daily Quotes on my Google homepage and this one, “If knowledge can create problems, it is not through ignorance that we can solve them. - Isaac Asimov,” is already a favorite.

What’s that noise? Ah! It’s raining and that would explain the warmer temps this morning. And it looks like we’re safe from any more freezing weather for at least a week. But the wind will be with us, blowing the remaining leaves from the trees.

Speaking of trees, the walnuts decided to shed theirs yesterday. Funny tree, the walnut. It holds onto its leaves for most of the fall and then on some random date, known only to the tree, it dumps them all at once. Don’t be standing under it when it decides to let them loose! There’s still a few on the tree, ones that didn’t get the message, but the next few days of wind and rain will persuade them to make the leap.

Yesterday was Art First Saturday in Chico and we made the rounds of our favorite galleries; the Chico Art Center, All Fired Up, and The Chico Paper Company. And we also decided that spring, summer and fall are the best times for an art walk. It was dark, cold and windy last night, not at all conducive to art enjoyment. Even so, it was good to get our creative juices flowing again. And then it was time for dinner… something warm!

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