Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Ageless Marketing

The Boomers Did It! They Caused the Panic of 2008. They Got Old!

Well, you can't blame me! I was already old. But we can all blame my little sister. (Something I used to do anyway)


  1. Yes you always did blame me.I think I was an easy target!.. but being called a pig in a python is something else. Great analogy. My goal for retirement seems to be getting further and further in the future as the markets roil and buck. My 401K's are losing money, even when adding to them....Not a pretty picture out there.

  2. If it's any 401 looked terrible a year or so before I actually cashed it in/transfered it. But things improved in that last year. Also...when you transfer it, you can put it in the hands of someone who is motivated to make money for you. Usually you're on your own until you can get it away from the company that handles it for your corporation.

  3. I have a couple of old 401K's from previous employers still sitting in the same place. Guess I need to roll these into IRAs and have someone "motivated" make me some money. Is there such a person?
