Saturday, March 1, 2008

Morning Observations

It’s over. Winter has departed. We may get some rain and some wind in the next few months, but those stormy days won’t qualify as winter days. But, it isn’t spring either; we’re in-between seasons here. The almond trees are lovely, clad in all-white blossoms, while the apricots have scarlet and white blossoms to show you. Classy! In the meantime, our overnight lows are still dipping into the high 30’s and in the past, I’ve seen a hail storm rip all the blossoms from the trees. It can happen again. But, I’m still going to enjoy this season, whatever it’s called.

And then there is this…

“The prospect of sharply higher fuel prices, including $4-a-gallon gasoline, may not have made it into Oval Office briefing books, perhaps explaining why President Bush was surprised Thursday when a reporter mentioned what energy analysts are saying could happen soon in many parts of the country.

Ah! The briefing books! The books that tell the president what real life is all about. Prepared by the same people who are paid to tell the ‘Emperor’ how nice his new clothes are.

It would make sense that he needs someone to tell him what’s happening in the world. After all, during the past 7 years we have learned that he doesn’t like to read and he never reads newspapers. I can only imagine that he finds the internet baffling. Yes, he needs the briefing books, but does he read them?

Followed by this…

Schwarzenegger wants to close some 'tax loopholes'

The governor says in Los Angeles that eliminating many breaks would raise $2.5 billion and forestall deep cuts to schools. Foes accuse him of breaking a 'no new taxes' pledge.

Only a Republican legislator could come up with the logic that says closing loopholes equals new taxes.

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