Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Power to the people!

I couldn’t help but notice that the current issue of Mother Jones is all about the energy crisis. It wasn’t planned that way, but I picked up Lights Out by Jason Makansi while we were at the library yesterday. Interesting read so far, especially the facts that very few graduating engineers are headed for jobs in the power industry. Boring jobs. And the fact that approximately 50% of the existing engineers will be gone in the next 5 years. Which means…the replacements, if any, will have no experience at all. And just to make my morning interesting, when I Googled ‘lights out’, I came up with this website… who knew?


  1. Anonymous8:18 AM

    ....Against Daytime Running Lights? Sheesh...I didn't realize it was a contentious subject. There is a cause for everyone.

    I read the biggest draw for engineers these days are mining engineers. Recruiters are all over the colleges trying to get engineers to switch to mining, now with copper, gold and such bringing in such high prices, that is where the demand is.

  2. Sounds like engineering students need to be flexible...like change majors every year or so.
