Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Retirement Questions

Time Goes By has me going this morning. Good subject! Good questions! And I would bet that my sister will find them to be the same. She’s not retired. But I know she thinks about it…and wonders a little. I’m going to have to spend some time on these subjects before I post my answers. It's actually more complex a subject than it seems at first glance.


  1. Thanks for the link. I know that I want to retire, look forward to it and once it happens, will not look back on my "jobs" (I did not say career)at all. There are so many things I want to do, but have no time. Maybe I will pick up a few more hours to work at things that give me pleasure.

  2. Amd memory being will only remember the jobs and events that were fun. The carpet and the glue story! Ha!

  3. I have not forgotten that story either! The joy Kitty gets from retelling that story - I just love it..... I'm looking forward to my next visit - so I can ask if she has another funny story to tell. Of course I really liked the "Van and the drive-up window" story too!

  4. Well, maybe I had some fun at a few of my jobs! I forgot the glue!! It was my most embarassing moment. We need to figure out if/when we can all get together. This summer?
