Thursday, September 18, 2008

We Hereby Proclaim

Well, so much for promises. I know that I said I was cutting down on the coffee, but here I am, not a day later and I have a whole pot brewing. My excuse is the fact that my little two-cup French press is broken. It’s not a good excuse, but at this hour it was the only one available. I must try harder tomorrow. And in the meantime, I think it’s time for that second cup.

I’ve started my day in the usual fashion with a visit to Time Goes By and found that Ronni Bennett has some fear of the ‘average’ voter. I had to agree. Average got us into this mess and it will take far above Average to get us out. I’m suggesting that we have the candidates reveal their IQ scores and we elect the highest by simple proclamation. No voting; it only confuses the electorate.


  1. I've known for a long time that our country is governed by greedy, incompetent boobs, and that the major corporations were run by greedy, incompetent boobs. Now I'm convinced that we are a nation of greedy, incompetent boobs.

  2. Too true...sigh.
