Monday, October 6, 2008

How Sad

Living in a flaming ‘Red County’ like Glenn makes most political discussions less than welcome. Especially when so many in the same county think that education and knowledge are suspect. So most political knowledge comes from talk radio and not the printed word. Rumors abound and opinions hold sway over facts every time. It’s not much better in Butte County. Yes, last night I heard the ‘opinion’ that Obama is a secret Muslim and it’s because of the way he was raised? All attempts to find out more about how this opinion came to be held were rebuffed. And when I suggested that the Senator had stated more than once that he was a Christian, I was told that he was lying. That he can’t be trusted. Facts? You can’t use facts with people like this. Better to leave them in their misery.

I’m still planning on voting for an intelligent person for president. I think we deserve one after all of this time without one. It seems logical; intelligent = president. Duh! Sure there are other attributes to consider, but they should be related to the candidate’s intelligence. It’s the ‘smart’ thing to do. So I’m voting for Senator Obama.


  1. Did you notice during the Biden-Palin dabate that Sarah Palin pronounces the word "nuclear" the same way as George. W.?

    Lord help us.

  2. Definitely worthy of an 'Amen!'
