Thursday, November 6, 2008


The Change We Need

So here's the B.O.B website... now what I would really love to see, would be an Obama website AFTER he takes office. Not some 'official' government creation, but a real one. FDR used the radio for his Fireside Chats; it would nice to see our president of the 21st century using a blog.


  1. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Senor ~~ Check out the newly created Its a vehicle created by OBAMA to keep everyone up-to-date on the transition, the transition process, etc. Seems VERY refreshing, open, and honest (at least when compared to the closed door attitude from the last 8 years)... Thought I'd share in case you haven't seen it yet... :-)

  2. I saw it and have it as a feed... but I'm really looking for something with real communication from the new president, not press releases. Sigh.
