Thursday, November 6, 2008

Who Says?

Yesterday, I learned something to be true that I always suspected was… President Obama writes his own speeches! Yes, he can string meaningful words together. Even big words! Something that has eluded the current resident of the White House.

For me, this is a big thing. I have always felt that writing a speech was part of the president's duties. That was, among other things, what we paid him to do. To hand over that job to a committee was shirking his duty. We actually paid a staff of writers to tell the president what to tell us. What?

OK, maybe things are different once you have the 'big job' and perhaps our new president won't always have time… no, I don't think so. No matter what, the president's words to us must be his words; not a committee's.


  1. And he can even pronounce the word "nuclear" correctly.

  2. Yes! Sometimes it's the little things that can make you happy. And that's one of them...
