Friday, January 23, 2009


The day has begun in a normal fashion and I am just finishing up my second cup of tea. Boo the Cat has abandoned me in favor of a better spot in front of the fire. It may or may not be raining outside; too dark to tell. I've wandered around most of the usual internet news sources and found little of interest. Is it just me, or are we all becoming a little jaded after the high drama of the past election season?

But, the morning is young…and after reading this post from Cab Drollery, (about halfway down) I am upset once again about the death and destruction in Gaza. It's so frustrating! There is never an excuse for civilian deaths when politicians decide to wage war. You may notice that none of them were killed or wounded. No politicians actually participated in this and they are quick to shed any blame for the results of their inability to negotiate a way to peace.


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