Monday, January 5, 2009

It’s Working!

The wood stove is doing a great job. Eat your heart out, PG&E! Truth is the stove is working much better after I replaced the door seal that the chimney sweep recommended. I couldn't see that there was much wrong with the old one, but he has an eye for those kind of things and so I changed it. He told me I would get better performance and use less wood and so I have.

The only news that caught my eye this morning was the story about Al Franken being declared the winner in the Senate race in Minnesota and that's really not a story as it is only the beginning of a long legal battle. If I lived in Minnesota I would be terribly embarrassed about the whole thing. Were these two candidates the best they could come up with? What am I saying? That could be said of any state! But really now, Minnesota has now given themselves…Jesse Ventura and Al Franken? Not that we have done much better here in California, with Ronnie Reagan and Arnold. I know, I know…the really good potential candidates won't lower their personal standards to run for public office.

Yes, there is another story. That of Bill Richardson giving up his potential role as Secretary of Commerce. I believe he will be vindicated in the end, but in the meantime we will have lost the services of a very bright man. Yes, I know…but not bright enough to stay out of politics. Sigh.

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