Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sunny and Warm

Photo stolen from this site...

Nice weather persists. Darn it! California depends on winter storms for its water supply and we've been deficient for a couple of years now. Almost all reservoirs are reporting record lows and I just read that the governor is going to use a number that is just half of what was spent on firefighting last year as the new budget figure. A brilliant man!

OK, I've read the weather forecast and scanned the headlines. It's just more of the usual…but I did have a stray thought. Now is the perfect time for thinking Republicans to desert the party and become independents. If you stay in the GOP and spend any time criticizing the new administration, your complaints will be dismissed as just 'sour grapes'. But as an independent you can be heard!

A nation is a society united by delusions about its ancestry and by common hatred of its neighbors.

- William Ralph Inge

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