Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Apartment Therapy

From The Kitchn | Market Days in Cornwall Penzance, England

One of my favorite sites for inspiration and this morning I saw Duck Eggs! Oh I wish I could find some around here...

OK, it is a childhood memory and the reality may be something else entirely, but I still would like to find some local duck eggs. Just to see if they taste as good as I imagine.


  1. Kitty9:07 AM

    For some reason I never think of Great Britain as having much "Fresh produce, eggs, baked goods". I always think of English food as canned and overcooked. Another stereotype dashed.

  2. They don't taste good, I think. They taste was too eggie!

  3. That I remember...very 'eggie' but it's a taste I like. I make my chicken variety scrambled eggs deliberately 'eggy' by cooking them slow and for a long period of time; 30 minutes or more.
