Thursday, May 6, 2010

Retire. Now!

Because of this most irritating wind; a wind that seems to have no end...I have fallen behind in my reading of the news. That's not a bad thing. The news doesn't get any better or worse if you delay reading it.

Anyway, there was an article in the NYT about these three bozo's...
Lawmakers like Senators John McCain of Arizona and Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut and Representative Peter King of New York were immediately outraged that Mr. Shahzad — a United States citizen accused of an attempted attack on civilians in an American city — was arrested by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and eventually read his Miranda rights.
They are demanding that Mr. Shahzad be declared an illegal enemy combatant, stripped of any rights and brought before a military tribunal. They have opened another round of sneering at “the law enforcement approach” to terrorism. 
It gets worse; apparently Mr. Lieberman wants to strip the citizenship from anyone suspected of being a terrorist. No due process of law at all. Don't they understand that if you deprive one citizen of his rights, the other 300 million of us are at risk. Whether or not we believe these people to be guilty, we cannot throw away OUR rights by depriving them of their rights. It is quite simple and that is apparently why McCain and Lieberman don't understand it. I think they are traitors and/or senile. They need to go away. Retire. Go golfing. Leave us alone.

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