Friday, June 18, 2010

Not nearly enough

I'm old enough to remember when a dollar an hour was good pay. I remember when I would get 25 cents to mow a front lawn and 50 cents for the back. Back then, a million dollars was beyond comprehension. But I've changed over the years and so have my sense of values. And I believe that $20 billion dollars is not near enough money for BP to set aside in an escrow account. $20 billion? Chump change! Let's see $80 billion and the deed to Joe Barton's house.


  1. It's a start. And I'm sure Joe has a vacation home -- let's throw that in, too.

    I lived in Texas when Barton started out in politics. At the time, I regarded him as a honest kook. Even though his district is in oil-rich East Texas, I never took him for a shill. Was I wrong or what?

  2. I know the story...I once thought that Ronald Reagan was a one-time Governor and after that he would retire and leave us alone. Boy, was I ever wrong!
