Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Supreme Court

Ruling Criminalizes Speech in Material Support Law Case | Center for Constitutional Rights

And what would happen to the author of a blog piece that made mention of a so-called 'terrorist' group? Even if the piece advised the group to change their ways? It sounds like arrest would be imminent. The evils inherent within the Patriot Act and an 'activist' Supreme Court are showing themselves. Goodbye freedom!


  1. Stevens voted in favor, which brought me up a little short. But I'm a First Amendment absolutist, so this decision scares me.

  2. I htought we had to worry about that in the Bush regime.....do you still think it is prevalent and relevant?

  3. I do...criminalizing 'speech' of any kind is an assault on freedom. I don't trust this Court at all.

  4. Good point.......I don't know why I think I feel safer now than during the Bush regime when I never felt safe a day in 8 grueling, frightening years.

  5. So true. I absolutely hated those 8 years!
