Tuesday, September 14, 2004

More data!

More Data! Tidbits from the Economist’s little book of facts…

Defense Spending (As % of GDP)
1. Eritrea 20.9
2. Angola 17.0
3. Oman 14.4
4. Saudi Arabia 14.1
5. Afghanistan 12.2
6. Kuwait 12.1
7. North Korea 11.6
8. Syria 10.9
9. Ethiopia 9.8
10. Israel 9.5

(Wouldn't you think some of these countries might have prioritized their needs a little better?)

Armed Forces – regular army only, not counting reserves
1. China 2,310,000
2. United States 1,368,000
3. India 1,263,000
4. North Korea 1,082,000
5. Russia 977,000
6. South Korea 683,000
7. Pakistan 620,000
8. Turkey 515,000
9. Iran 513,000
10. Vietnam 484,000

And last…some stray data I spotted.
1. From July 8th 2002 until November of 2003, George W. Bush never uttered the words "Osama Bin Laden" in any speech, press conference or public appearance.

OK, you have all the facts, now make up some good stories with them!

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