Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Morning Musings II

While I was in Chico this morning for the service appointment on our VW I decided to walk from the dealer down to the local Starbuck’s. No, it wasn’t my first choice in coffee establishments, but it was the only one I knew about in that area and I knew that they sold the New York Times. After claiming both a latte and a paper to read, I waited inside for a minute or two for a smoker to finish her cigarette and move away from the outside tables. I quickly claimed the upwind table. The morning was crisp and sunny and it was just about 8 AM. I read and sipped, sipped and read and thoroughly enjoyed the morning. Then…about 8:15, I heard the whine of a leaf blower starting up and it was quite close to me. I turned and met the glance of city employee armed with the latest Stihl leaf blower and he was blowing leaves and debris off of the sidewalk and into the street. We looked at each other. Finally he dropped his gaze and let up on the throttle while giving me a wide berth. Once he was past me, he cranked the Stihl back up to hypersonic speed and went around the corner, dust and leaves marking his route. Peace reigned…for about 15 minutes and then I saw him coming down the street on the other side now. And I looked down at the dust and leaves that were now back on the sidewalk. Of course, the traffic passing by had blown all of the debris back.

OK, is there some deeper meaning in any of this?

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