Monday, August 15, 2005

Now I See

OK, now I see why I heard Dobson on the radio this morning. I had left the house early this morning and hadn't read the paper...and hadn't heard about Justice Sunday II.

One of the speakers was Tom DeLay and he made this comment, "The Constitution is clear on the point that the power to make laws is vested on Congress." But what he doesn't say is that Congress has an obligation to follow the Constitution and the Supreme Courts job is to decide the constitutionality of laws passed by Congress whenever there is a question. Did you really want these congressmen enacting any law that was floated by some lobbyist? Of course not, but that is what we have happening right now. I want the Supreme Court to be vigilant and to decide which laws are worthy.

Without the Supreme Court...(even when I disagree with them) we would be better off having Manny write the laws for us rather than allowing Congress free rein. Manny? He's the used car dealer here in town, nice guy.

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