Wednesday, September 21, 2005


Aw, nuts!'s almost time for the walnut harvest. I picked up a couple I found under the walnut tree, out in front. They were pretty tasty! Overall, I imagine that the harvest won't be that good, as I have a lot of moth damage this year. So I will have to sort them carefully to exclude the wormy ones. Even so, with 3 trees there will be more walnuts than we can eat.

The good news is that the pecan trees are doing very good. The pecan out in front now has props under the heavier limbs and the tree in back has a great crop as well. The crows will tell me when the pecans are ripe as they will flock to the higher branches and strip the nuts from them. They fly out over the street and drop the nuts to break them. When I see nutshell fragments in the's time for me to pick.

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