Monday, December 12, 2005

Justice...the movie version

The death penalty has come back into the news once more and there is renewed talk of abolishing it. But I don’t hold out much hope for that to happen. It certainly won’t happen in time to change the odd spectacle we are experiencing here in California, where an actor has become the sole judge of whether or not a person should live or die. If we take out the persons and personalities involved, “Tookie” and the “Terminator”, and simply concentrate on the fairness of the law, it really isn’t fair to either party in this spectacle. No one person should have to make that decision and on the other hand, no one should have to depend on that one person to make the “right” decision…Think about it; the case has involved judges, lawyers and juries, all trained and instructed in the law and now the irrevocable decision is in the hands of one man, an actor? This reminds me of a scene from “The Gladiator”…Thumb up? Or down?


  1. Are you saying that only lawyers should be govenors? I thought it was good to have people from all facets of life in government in order to have a balanced representation. I am certainly no fan of Hollywood but an actor is no better or worse than any other person of a particular vocation.

    As for the death penalty, it doesn't work. It is flawed, and as much as part of me wants to see a murderer or rapist, or white colar criminal put to death for murdering, raping, and swindling money from old people, I know it is wrong.

    I don't think the it takes a lawyer to determine if someone is truly repentant. No one is qualified for that really but a govenor is as quailified as any one else.

  2. No. Only actors should not be governors. They have less of a grip on reality than a politician does....and that's not much.

    And I was saying that the way the law's unfair to both parties. That was my point.

  3. A politician really should be a farmer, contractor, actor, lawyer, doctor, etc., etc. first. A politician second. Heck my father is always involved in local politics. The politicians come to him for information on fishing related issues. The problem is they are career politicians. My dad doesn't have a chance in hell of ever being elected because he is the common man.
