Saturday, August 12, 2006

Rights group urges US

to deny Israel cluster bombs
"The Israeli army said in a statement: "The use of cluster munitions is legal under international law and the IDF uses such munitions in accordance with international standards."

International law? What about moral law?

Why are we supporting terrorists?

1 comment:

  1. Because these terrorist are fighting terrorist that seek the end of Western Civilzation. The enemy of our enemy is our friend. Keep in mind also that in the land of hyphenated America you have Israelis that are also Americans and they, traditionaly, have had alot of sway with evangelical protestants and the democratic party even if because of different reasoning.

    Me thinks perhaps you know this and what you are really saying is "who cares?" which I can totally understand.

    Israel is by large not a Christian country. They are behaving like the muslims who don't believe in forgiveness and for whom vengance is acceptable.
