Friday, December 1, 2006

Love that fire!

Here it is; the first day in the last month of the year. Now that’s scary! What has happened to this year? There is no way that I can do all of the things I promised myself that I would do before the year ended. There’s not even a chance of it happening, so I should just relax and enjoy.

Now that I have begun keeping a fire going in the family room, the cat has decided that is the place to be. She hangs out about 3 feet away from the stove, in the optimal comfort zone for her. She just sits there as if she was staring at the flames, but her eyes are closed. And I think she’s smiling!

I guess I had better take a look at the news and make sure the world is still around.

Darn! I forgot that I had upgraded once again to IE7. I had rejected that upgrade (beta) awhile ago, but I fell for the pitch and installed it again yesterday. And as soon as it opened it gave me a warning message that it had not installed all of the drivers. But which ones? Sorry; it was silent as to any details.

And why is it that the things I liked about the old version of IE are the first to disappear when a new version is pushed out? The History “button” is now history. You have to use a pull down menu or learn the shortcut. (Ctrl+Shift+H)

At least IE7 didn’t mess with my Google homepage and I can still navigate to most of the places I enjoy.

One headline that caught my attention was this; “The Next Asbestos”, from the Economist Global Watch. Nanotechnology has so much promise, but if non-scientists use it for a marketing tool, we will be in serious trouble.

And this one… “Having Pinned Little Hope on Talks, Many Iraqis Appear to Be Beyond Disappointment.” I can understand why…

Why do I do this to myself? I just visited Craigslist and spotted an ad for a rod iron table. If you ever want any evidence that the schools are not doing their job, it’s easily found on Craigslist. (I suppose it could have been a rot iron table. Would that have been better?)

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