Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Pulitzer Winner

Explains 'Signing Statements'

I suppose we all have the same memories of a high school civic's class. We learned all about the division of powers in our government and how that 3 way division (executive, legislative and judicial) of power kept us free. It seemed so basic. And right.

But it's now quite obvious that it has been subverted by the executive branch. The president gets to decide what a law means and then proclaims his decision to be "constitutional". And since he doesn't veto the bill, congress doesn't get a chance to come back with an override. By doing this, the president has taken the power away from both the legislative and judicial branches of government and given it to himself.

I find it hard to believe that the legislators have allowed this? And the people? Why aren't we complaining? It's our freedom that has been taken from us.

Thank you, deserve the prize

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