Tuesday, August 21, 2007


The Past

When we first moved (1977) to the Susanville area , I spent a lot of time researching the local history and buying books suggested to me by a local librarian. And an odd fact came to my notice. When I first started in the construction industry, I had to buy all of the tools of the trade and the preferred hammer was a Plumb #2 Box Hatchet. This was the same tool used in mills like Fruit Growers; used to construct the millions of boxes that came out of Lassen County.

The new hatchet had to be remodeled slightly before use; the head taken off and the handle modified to increase the 'set', or the angle at which the head struck the wall. This would save your knuckles from being beaten bloody. My hatchet finally disappeared somewhere and I have spent a lot of time looking for a replacement. No luck.

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