Saturday, September 1, 2007

Heat Wave

It’s supposed to be another hot day; about 101°. And the weekend will be the same, right on through Labor Day. I have the window open and I’m using the fans to cool off the house, but the morning air has a hint of smoke in it. Someone, somewhere, has been burning and the smell lingers. But the wind is supposed to pick up this afternoon and start blowing at 15 to 20 mph. That will help to clear out the smoke and dirty haze that accompanies the harvest.

Labor Day around here (Chico) is all about floating down the Sacramento River in an inner tube and I suppose it will be the same this year. The local law enforcement agencies have been cracking down on the alcohol use and so the popularity of the float has slipped somewhat. Popular or not, this weekend’s commute to Chico will probably take us over the bridge at Ord Bend and not at Hamilton City, where the crowds are.

On a different subject; I’m really enjoying the use of the RSS feeds on my browser. There is so much to see and to read! It’s almost overwhelming. During the past week, I have had to go through my feeds (twice) and delete the least favorite, just so I can keep the number of feeds at a reasonable level. The only thing that disappoints me about the feeds list is the fact that I have to manually (right click) refresh them. Or am I missing something?

1 comment:

  1. I recently picked up a copy of the Sacramento Bee and they are having a similiar problem in the Truckee area. And are considering adopting ban on alcohol as well. Here is the article I read:

    I was recently talking with a group of friends and the subject of floating down the river came up and I remember back in 1988 Kevin took me out to the river for Labor day and we floated down with a group of friends. Back then we used the black tractor innertubes and yes we had one for the ice chest. I don't remember people littering like they do now. What we brought we hauled back. I remember someone parked low and someone parked high and we all rode in the back of the truck to the other cars. When I look at the situation now there is no way I'd do it. I don't remember being worried about anything. I remember Kevin telling me to stay on top of the tube and away from the snags. The water was really cold anyway! I think now when I look back it was probably 90% local people doing it where now it's only 10% local people - they have no vested interest in the river and landscape. Huh - that was like 20 years ago....
