Friday, November 16, 2007

How Odd?

It’s oddly warm this morning. I even had to turn the thermostat down. Oh, oh! Global Warming! No? OK then, just local warming. And welcome of course.

I was reading the Bee yesterday morning and they had a short story on Gray Davis’ visit to Sacramento the other day. And in the story he noted how different it was now, not living in ‘the bubble’. He said that while living in ‘the bubble’ his life consisted of press conferences and meetings. He had no idea as to how the ordinary people of California lived their lives. Yes, he admitted what we all know to be true. Politicians don’t have a clue. Never have. Never will.

Despite his many failures as governor, I remember the fact that Mr. Davis would always fly Southwest Airlines and I give him some points for that. I’m sure he didn’t have to hurry to get in line for an ‘A’ pass, but that’s understandable. But, he did have to endure the corny jokes and eat peanuts with the rest of us.

All of which brings back a memory I have of having to fly south on a Friday afternoon and I was in the Southwest boarding area at the Sacramento Airport. This was odd in itself as I was generally flying to Sacramento on Fridays, not from, Anyway, there was a large crowd of well suited men and a couple of women standing and chatting nearby. I couldn’t help but overhear them and after awhile I figured out that they were lawmakers on their way home for the weekend. And their conversation? It was like listening to alien beings. Men from Mars? I can’t remember the specifics of it, it was simply weird!

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