I was typing away when I heard some sirens about 5:30. A quick look at the CHP pages on the CalTrans website showed me that a pole had fallen across the road at County Road 202 and Wyo. Apparently this pole didn’t carry any electricity to our house, as the lights never even flickered. And although it’s still dark outside, I tried some of the CalTrans live feeds. Truckee was quiet; I didn’t see a single vehicle pass by the camera. The pole that holds that camera was really shaking in the wind. The camera for the intersection of 28 and 89 showed me a couple of plows wandering about with their blades up. They looked confused, as one came out of a street and the other plow then turned and went back down the same street? Did the first plow miss something? Then, the Whitmore camera was dark, while the Kingvale camera is covered with snow. But I did see some traffic through the cloudy lens. Myers is quiet, not even a ‘chain monkey’ in sight. Just another day in the Sierra’s; and I’m glad I’m not there.
Did I ever mention the time it took me 11 hours to go from Verdi to Sacramento? Ah! The good old days!
It looks like today is another day for long trips over the hill. Check out the 89/80 junction camera. Traffic has been backed up there for hours. My trucker friend is stuck in that mess and it looks like they are turning people around to send them back east.