A lazy day. Watched the clouds early in the morning and then read the news I wanted to read and ignored the rest. The grass in the orchard has been shorn. And while I was out there, I noticed that the walnuts are becoming unglued and plummeting to the ground. A little early; I expected it about a week from now. But it’s a good thing; I have the feeling that last weeks irrigation chore was the last one of the season. Water users downstream from me are really into walnuts and once the walnuts begin to hit the ground, they usually call it quits for irrigating. I don’t mind that one bit!
And the pomegranates are just about ripe. So close! Truth; some I could pick right now, but I’ll wait till midweek before I get serious about it. But I must remind myself to take a few ripe ones over to Karlee (the Birthday Girl!) and to
She'd love it!