Friday, December 25, 2009

A family gathering

How strange it is. We had Christmas yesterday and so I feel somewhat left out this morning as the rest of the world celebrates this great festival of commerce. (excuse me…I just had a 'humbug' moment there) We opened presents all day yesterday as children and grandchildren came and went. The house was beautifully decorated and we had a festive dinner of pot roast and lasagna; so much better than turkey or ham! Pictures were taken and games were played. Our youngest grandson received a an XBox 360 and that was the center of attention for all the rest of the kids. But today we must content ourselves with exchanging gifts, long distance, with my sister and her husband in Scottsdale. We'll open those few presents left under the tree and I know I will be most pleased with my sister's selection of a gift for me. I always am. In Arizona, our gifts to them will opened and then one of us will make the phone call and we'll enjoy the few minutes of family connection as we thank each other for gifts received. And despite my 'humbug' thoughts, we really will enjoy Christmas once again. It has changed over the years and this is just the latest iteration of our family traditions. We took Christmas from our parents and we made it ours and now our grandchildren are seeing it and later, will take the pieces of it that they remember and it will become their 'traditional' Christmas. Christmas changes over the years and it can't be stopped, but we'll slow it down a little each year as we gather as a family once again, whether it's on the 25th or the 24th or the…


  1. well said. everything changes, even tradition. Happy seasonand best wishes to you and yours

  2. Thank you. And may the season bring you the very best.

    And yes, my sister gave me two great art books. She never disappoints me.

  3. Kitty7:43 AM

    I love buying you presents! You enjoy the same things that I do and you are always so appreciative of my gifts. The Wish Lists help, but sometimes I just see something that I have to get you and those are the best.

  4. Aw, shucks...thanks.

    We really need to live much closer to one another.
