Monday, May 17, 2010

Am I getting old?

Or just beaten down?
On my monitor, when I open up my browser, I see a thin panel on the left hand side of the screen; that displays the RSS feeds that I am subscribed to. I used to start at the top and open the feeds one after the other, reading all the current news (including the weather) and then move on to the various blogs that I follow. And they are not all political blogs; I subscribe to and follow art and cooking blogs. That was my morning routine and it's been working fine for the past half a dozen years...but now I can barely make it through the first half of the list. The insanity of the Republican/Tea Party crowd taxes my brain to such an extent that I can barely go on. And if I should make a mistake and read some of the comments on those blogs, I find myself thoroughly demoralized. How stupid can these people be? Don't answer that...I already know. For instance...Newt Gingrich is being interviewed and listened to as if he were important. He's a failure! Even as a Republican, he was failure. Have they forgotten? And Sarah Quittypants is back in the news. Why? Another failure! I'm old enough to remember a time when Republicans were the honorable opposition party. What happened to them? I believe that Eisenhower would be a Democrat today.

Here, in California, the majority of the citizens have been fooled by Republican 'actors'. Not just once by Reagan, but electing Arnold makes it twice now that the Party of Lincoln has become the Party of Clowns.

My head hurts. I think I'll go read some comic strips.


  1. I'm with you there Steve. Eisenhower would be called a socialist today. How dare he build an interstate highway system! Even Nixon as bad as he was started the EPA.
    Oh hell I think I'll just go back to looking at the LOL cats.

  2. You're not alone!

  3. Me, too, buddy! I have to intersperse light posts with the heavies on my own blog; even having opinions on and writing about the moronically bad stuff gives me a headache. A few years ago, in the B___ Era, I retreated into yoga for a while and avoided the news altogether. I had a compact with my husband that he'd tell me if something happened that I needed to pay attention to. Otherwise, I was hiding behind my Om. 'Course, when the '08 elections were in progress, I started peeking through my fingers more and more. Next thing you know....!

  4. The Republicans aren't worth the time and effort and focus you are giving them. That's why you have other blogs, so you don't HAVE to listen to the Republican crap.

  5. I think you have a good point, Ima...I need to focus somewhere else for a change; clear my head!

  6. You may be getting old (we all are) but you still have your head screwed on right. Stick with the cooking blogs!! So much more satisfying.
