Saturday, June 20, 2020


America is losing its mind. Some citizens believe anything they see or hear. Fox News is the 'go to' place for those who will not or cannot read.  They never question why it is that one news organization has cornered the market on truth. 
Republicans, both plain and famed, are leaving the party every day, yet the party faithful are blind to that. They are also blind to the fact that the news can't report any similar defections from the Democrats, as there aren't any. They are blind to any fact that doesn't fit the Republican worldview.   
I was reading the New York Times this morning and that's why I feel this way 'America is losing its mind'. News from all over the globe tells the same story. Trump is mentally ill. Lots of people are handicapped with some form of mental illness. But, lots of people don't have the codes to start a nuclear war. Trump should not, but he does.
Right now, the Trump loyalists are certain that the antifa are creating all of this discord. The antifa and believers in Black Lives Matter. They know that those who believe in protest are actually ready to start the violence. Protest=Violence. That is the message being spread to Law Enforcement.  
Yet the police would be unable to tell you where the antifa meet to plan these things. They would be unable to locate the national, state, county and city headquarters of the antifa. And who are the leaders?  antifa is a heck of an organization if they can plan and pull off all sorts of violent acts, without any organization. In Coquille Oregon, the sheriff and concerned citizens with rifles, gathered downtown They planned for a bus load of antifa that were coming to spread terror in their little town. And that sheriff told the sheriffs of neighboring counties. They got ready as well. And then they waited and waited and waited...Then they told reporters that it was their unified show of force that stopped the antifa from showing up. And we lost our chance to see some real antifa as they would be forced off the bus and into the county jail. Another day...
I think I know why the Trump faithful act as they do; they don't read. Not even for enjoyment. And they never read anything that might upset their well established views, Their leader doesn't read and he seems to think less of those who do. So, even if an article looks interesting, they choose safety every time, and close the cover.I can tell it will be a long, long summer. Then fall will bring hints of violence on every Fox News show. It won't be a call to arms, yet. But it will reveal which direction the political winds are blowing and how hard.      

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Life is hard

Yes, life is hard, and then we have Trump. His latest defiance of of the Constitution is hard to believe, yet, there are a few more hours in the day. On Trump's orders, the Secret Service has blocked the pastor and her congregation from using their church...that church being St John's in Washington D.C. and across the street from the White House. There is no precedent for this action, and it violates the words of the 1st Amendment. This President has violated almost all the Amendments in just 31/2 short years. How can we afford another 4 years of this treasonous lack of leadership? 

They had to close down my Pulmonary Rehab classes for the virus, so I substituted reading for the physical activity. It doesn't make sense, I know that, and I did continue the exercise at home for about two weeks, and then my spine betrayed me once again. There is little to be done about it, as I am through with surgeries, and through with injection. I have spent the last 12 years with all of the above, so I know whereof I speak.

I've heard about the X, Y and Z generations. The Millennials. But I haven't heard much about the Me generation. It seems to span almost all age groups. They can be identified by their constant use of the words ''I" and "Me". And they rarely smile. My oldest daughter, owns a nursery and gift shop. She has required her employees to wear face masks and they face a daily barrage of questions and arguments about their use. They encourage the customers to keep a social distance, and wearing a face mask would be appreciated. She had an employee quit the job because of her mandatory rule. A rule meant to safeguard them. Elders almost almost always wear a mask when they enter, I guess we can rule them out as members of I and Me generation.